I love house blocks. I think for my next block exchange quilt I'm going to choose a traditional red and white school house. It's also fun to change a line or two here and there to come up with a new building. I call this one
Town Hall, but add a bell or cross and you have a school or chapel. The construction is also fun because all the shapes that are cut are rectangles. By drawing on diagonal lines that you stitch on, then cutting away the extra you get great shapes with no biases to stretch.
What a beautiful weekend here in Michigan. On Saturday I gave a quilt tour at the
MSU Museum to some members of the
Greater Ann Arbor Quilt Guild. We had a really good time. On top of the $15/per person fee, they made a generous donation to the Museum. Thanks Ann Arbor Quilters! After the tour Tom (the husband) and I took a bike ride on the River Trail. They've just added a branch that goes from the Potter Park Zoo to Hawk Island Park. The ride was about 15 miles and very fun. We got home just in time for the MSU football game against Northwestern which we won! All in all a great day.
Today was my annual visit to the Country Wood Mill in Potterville. There's nothing like fresh cider and a donut.
During this week I started to practice machine quilted free hand feathers. They weren't great, but they weren't as bad as I thought they'd be. I also purchased some papers you can trace on, then machine quilt over. I'm not sure whether I'll like them, but I know my free style machine quilting is not as good as I want it to be, and I'm anxious to finish some projects.
Till next time.....Happy Quilting