It's been a cool and rainy day, perfect for blogging. Today's free quilt pattern is Union Square. I love the way it fills the whole square. It was first published by the Ladies Art Company before 1895 as Union.
Now for another blast from the past. Remember how exciting it was when a music act would be on TV? Here's A Lover's Concerto by the Toys.
Today's free quilt pattern is Crossed Path. It's a slight variation of a Jack in the Pulpit block. I love to sit and look through my many pattern books and I often see a block and want to change it just a little bit. In this case I changed the center of the block from a square in a square to a four patch. I've included a picture and reference to the original block in the pattern.
This weekend I planted flowers and vegetables. I've planted four tomato plants, 4 pepper plants, basil, oregano, cilantro, rosemary, Thai basil and I've got a great parsley plant that reseeded from last year. Two weeks ago I planted lettuce and spinach which is coming up nicely.
I also went on a bike ride with Tom and his bike group. We biked from Lake Lansing to Williamston. Tom and Kathy rode 30 miles and I rode 18 miles. I'm the slowest biker in the group, but I enjoy it and manage to finish and still remain upright!
The Capitol City Quilt Guild Show was a great success. I'm not sure how many attended, but it was beautiful show.
Don't you love Youtube? Here's a fund video. I remember Shindig when I was in elementary school. My mother was a big rock and roll fan, so she always let us watch Shindig.
Today's free quilt pattern is Irish Puzzle. I've added the history of the block and found it was widely published under many different names.
Yesterday I went to the Capitol City Quilt Guild's quilt show at the Summit in Dimondale. Wow! It was very impressive. Over 500 quilts were hung (3 of mine, too) and about 60 great vendors. I purchased many fatt quarters of fabric including repro purples for $1 a fatt quarter! It pays to have odd taste. I bought some other beautiful repros from my sister's pal Denise at the Hollyhock Quilt Shoppe's booth. If you're Up North this summer on the sunrise side, make sure and visit this shop in Harrisville. I also went in hunt of turquoise fabrics to use in the background of a mermaid quilt I started for Colleen over 16 years ago! After I finish four block exchange blocks I'll be working on the mermaid quilt in my never ending quest to finish all my UFOs. I'm sure my goal would be easier to attain if I'd quilt buying old quilt blocks and tops, too.
It looks to be a sunny day today, so I'll be going to the East Lansing Art Fair and MSU Craft Show where I'm excited to see fellow blogger Beanie G's booth.
So if you haven't been to the Quilt Show yet, make sure and see it. And while you're there, go upstairs and take the overview of the show from the top, Spectacular!
Today's free quilt pattern is Summer Cottage. Even though it's a rainy, yucky day, May is cottage time in Michigan. I designed this pattern in honor of all the people I know who have cottages Up North and all the times I've been invited to stay with them. In May all the snow birds pack up their cars and make the trek back to Michigan for summer at the lake. My sister has cottages on Lake Huron and we're looking forward to riding bikes in Oscoda and taking Boomer swimming in the big lake. There's also a 100 mile bike ride that coincides with the Au Sable Canoe Race. Tom will be riding the 100 miles, while I'll be waiting at the finish line near at Mary Ellen's cottage in Oscoda.
Check out this video for a taste of the event.
Then imagine riding your bike next to the river while this madness is going on! I think hanging out at the finish line with a cold beer is going to be my contribution to the weekend.