Below is the reproduction quilt that I made (with fabulous machine quilting from Kari Ruedisale).

I still had more diamonds left so I put them together. Just last week I got the star out, added the setting triangles and rectangles to come up with this.
The center diamond is 36" x 36". I pinned it to my design wall to admire it and noticed I put one diamond in backwards. Now I don't believe in putting in a mistake on purpose to appease the quilt gods. I error all on my own. So I took it apart and fixed it. Another of my goals is to master my EQ7 program. I went to my computer, created the center lone star and played around with the borders. I came up with this.

This week I'm on vacation from work. I was going up North, but the weather is bad so DH decided to delay our trip one day. That gives me today to sew. I'm working on the corner blocks in the border. I'll post when the top is done.
So 10 years later, I'll get this project done. Did I mention, I'm only using fabric from my stash? Bonus.
Till next time....Happy Quilting