Today's quilt block is Floating Hearts. It is an original design that was inspired by the Bear's Paw pattern.
I'm feeling really good tonight. One of my goals is to finish all my UFO's and my quilting and blogging buddy Cindy Mielock (check out her blog, Lavender Pie) has offered my an opportunity to do that while helping a young mother have a happier holiday. It seems she wants a homemade quilt. I have literally hundreds of blocks waiting to be made into quilts, so I'm donating enough to make a queen size quilt and a child's quilt for her 4 year old. Cindy is lining up helpers to piece the top and get it quilted, bound, etc. I'm going to have to do this more often.
My father-in-law has moved to an assisted living center, so we've been cleaning out his house. My daughter wanted a beautiful teal colored hutch cabinet that was her grandmothers. The problem is she lives at home and my house is so packed with furniture it was hard to make room for the hutch. Long story short... the moving entailed emptying shelves of fabric. While working on this task it hit home that I have more fabric than I can ever sew. I also own more quilts than I can ever use. Cindy's request for quilt blocks has given me hope that I can sew and give away the results. I know that making quilts for charity isn't a new idea, but for many years I just couldn't part with anything. Now, not only does it seem easy but it feels great, too!

Another milestone this week. My daughter Colleen (the hutch owner) has finished her first quilt. It is 84" x 101". She used charm squares from my stash. Both she and a friend each made quilts and still didn't make a dent in my charm squares. Colleen hand pieced the nine patches and machine pieced the blocks together. She machine appliqued stuff all over the top. While making the quilt she liberally used a reducing glass, so you can see her on the quilt looking at her quilt. I machine quilted it and bound it off. She's been using it on her bed and I'm very proud of her.
Till next time.....Happy Quilting!
Congratulations to Colleen on her first quilt! It is really nice - very colourful and playful. She obviously has a good eye for colour. I know what you mean about not wanting to part with fabric/blocks/quilts. I'm still in that mode, but I think it's great that you've moved on and are feeling good about donating some of yours.